Bathroom renovations under $10000 in Melbourne

Is bathroom renovations under $10,000 possible? Yes it is! We have done many bathroom renovation projects under $10,000. Read more below.

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Are bathroom renovations under $10,000 possible in Melbourne?

$10,000 is a magic number Melbourne home owners are thinking when it comes to Bathroom Renovations. Can a bathroom renovation be done under $10,000 here in Melbourne and surrounding suburbs? Here we explore whether you can or cannot renovate your bathroom for under $10,000.

The answer to all these questions is YES, $10,000 can cover a lot of things but it’s important we understand what we are doing and what we are expecting from the end result. The next few paragraphs will talk about some basic points that need to be kept in mind while thinking about bathroom renovations under $10000.

We have already learnt there is no fixed cost to bathroom renovation – all depends on how you want your bathroom to look like after a makeover and if you wish for everything else new or just replacing old with new. Another thing that needs to be kept in mind here is that the more work you will be doing, the more you’ll be spending on materials and labor. This is a simple rule that guides most renovators when looking to get their hands dirty.

In future posts we shall take you through some small bathroom renovations Melbourne cost examples and what can you do to reduce this cost even further and make your bathroom beautiful with an original touch no one else has.. We will talk about custom tiles and how they can add value to your home interior design as well as sanitation. We have also got a few posts lined up on different types of flooring options for bathrooms so stay tuned.


How to keep your bathroom renovation under $10,000 budget?

How to keep your bathroom renovation under $10000 budget

There are many things you can do to keep your bathroom renovation costs down. There is no fixed cost, all depends on how much work you want to put into your bathroom and how much of the work you wish to do yourself or outsource.

It’s important to understand that if you’ll be replacing more than half of the things in your bathroom, say tiles or vanity unit, it’s better to replace everything as it will add value back into your home and in turn raise the property value.

Evaluate the condition of your bathroom – what needs replacement? Is it a toilet bowl or is there some other problem that has been bothering you for years? Look at all possible options before deciding on final design. The more time you take here, the less money you’ll spend further down the road when it comes to paying contractors.

Get a good rough estimate of how much each part/material will cost and then talk with contractors and suppliers as well to get their feedback about costs involved with their work. This will help you decide what works best in your bathroom and make final decisions on what to replace and with what.

Can a Bathroom Renovations Company like HBK Constructions help you with a bathroom renovation under $10,000?

Yes, we can help with that. We are qualified and experienced in the field of bathroom renovations as well as kitchen renovations and other types of home renovations work such as repainting, tiling, replacement windows etc.

We have got all the right tools and equipment needed to complete your project from start to finish without having you worry about a thing at all. All you need to do is talk with us about the things you wish for your bathroom renovation in Melbourne to look like while we are discussing ideas with you and giving suggestions on what can be done – simple!

Our scope of work includes not just structural changes but also plumbing works, electrical rewiring if necessary (if required) as well (the cost will depend on several factors), removal of old materials we are replacing as well as complete installation of new materials we are adding.

Best time to start a bathroom renovation is when you have got some free time so that’s another thing you don’t need to worry about either – our experienced and skilled team can perform all the work while you’re at work or busy with other important things in your life. You will have no more worries about your bathroom renovation from start to finish after talking with us!

We like to talk to our clients quite often during the entire process of their home renovations project so there will be no questions left unanswered once it comes down to putting everything back into place and living in a fresh, clean environment.

We are a bathroom renovation company based in Melbourne and we do small, medium & large renovations all over the metro area. The more complex your bathroom is, the less you’ll be able to manage it yourself without having proper skills and experience.

What to look for in a budget bathroom renovation project?

What to look for in a budget bathroom renovation project
budget bathroom renovation project
bathroom lighting

There are several things to look for in a budget bathroom renovation project. Here are some of our tips for you to consider when searching for the best possible bathroom renovation company in your area:

Bathroom Fixtures

This is one of the most important aspects of your bathroom renovation project as it can add value to your home and make it look better than ever! We suggest checking out a few different tile stores in order to get an idea about what will go well with your bathroom design. This way you’ll be able to find something that matches perfectly with the rest of your home but at the same time it’s affordable as well – we should all have such lucky days when it comes down to our finances.

Bathroom Tiling

Tiling is another aspect of bathroom renovations in Melbourne that can make or break the final look and feel. We would suggest getting a few quotes from tile stores/companies before deciding on whether you want to replace your entire bathroom tiles with new ones or just do partial replacement. There are many different styles to choose from so we’d suggest keeping an open mind here as well. You never know what you might find out there – especially if it’s affordable!

Bathroom Fittings

Replacing fittings in your bathroom is something we highly recommend looking into when renovating your bathroom as this will give it a fresh, modern look and feel without having to use too much money on small details like these. Even replacing little things like bathroom tap can make a big difference when it comes down to the final result – you’ll be amazed after seeing the work that has been done once everything’s put back into place. It will look as if an expert did the entire renovation but you probably did it all yourself!

Bathroom Accessories

When renovating your bathroom, there are lots of accessories that you can use to give it a unique look and make it stand out among other people’s bathrooms. Get some ideas for bathroom accessories online or from magazines before talking with us so we can discuss them. We don’t mind if you’ve taken some time deciding on this matter because at least now you know what exactly you want for your own personal bathroom improvement project – keep in mind that you don’t have to follow our ideas and plans, this is your home after all.

Bathroom Electrical

When it comes down to bathroom electrical, there’s a lot of work that has to be done. We would suggest buying or renting an electric hammer drill for doing the job of installing bathroom light fittings if you don’t already own one as they can make things easier for you when it comes down to drilling into tiles or any other hard surfaces. The main thing we like about this tool is its versatility – it can do a lot more than just installing fittings in your bathroom so keep this in mind when thinking about purchasing such a tool! You will also need some tin snips for cutting out old tiles before putting new ones in their place. You’ll also need a decent level as well so make sure to get some ideas from us here!

Bathroom Plumbing

We would suggest getting some plumbers in your area to do the job of installing new bathroom plumbing as they can help you with any questions or problems that might come up during the process. We’ve had a lot of experience when it comes down to plumbing so feel free to ask us for any advice before doing anything yourself. This way we’ll be able to work on this matter together especially if you’re not sure how things should go.

Bathroom Ventilation

If replacing bathroom ventilation, make sure that everything is tightly sealed and properly installed as this will make your bathroom more airtight which will keep the room warmer and prevent moisture from entering in through windows and doors – a good thing to have especially if there are kids living in this space. Bathroom ventilation can be installed by a professional plumbing technician who will make sure that everything is put in place and sealed correctly – so make sure to get a good idea of cost & time for this matter before deciding on anything!

Bathroom Lighting

When it comes down to bathroom lighting, there should be enough light in the room for you to work on your personal tasks in the bathroom. According to us, one of the best ways to do this is replacing all bathroom lights with LED ones – their lifespan is pretty long unlike other types of lights and they don’t consume much energy as well which makes them a big hit among people that care about using green energy! Make sure that you like how everything turned out before doing anything else. We’d also suggest getting a ceiling fan if your budget allows so that air can keep circulating throughout the room – not absolutely necessary but still something we recommend looking into if time & money allow for it!

Bathroom Showers

When renovating your bathroom, we would strongly suggest getting a new shower or re-tiling one that you currently have. Not only will you be able to make it look like a whole new room but you’ll also save yourself some money on bills in the future as well! We’d suggest removing all mirrors and tiles from the bathroom walls first before installing new ones – this way you can clean everything up after working on this matter and vacuum at least once which will make sure that no dust is left behind to mess things up. Make sure to place plastic sheets under showers so nothing gets damaged while the work’s being carried out!

Bathroom Mirrors

When it comes down to bathroom mirrors, there are many variants of this product on the market and you will have to choose one that suits your needs. For example, if you want a big mirror for applying makeup or shaving we would suggest getting a wall mounted lighted vanity mirror – they’re large enough for this type of job while still being small enough for smaller bathrooms! If you just want to get rid of old bathroom mirrors and replace them with new ones, pick something that suits your home’s interior design best and make sure to buy well-made products so they don’t fall out later on. Remember not to make any holes in the walls so everything can be attached safely.

Why chose HBK Constructions – Bathroom Renovations Melbourne service for your budget bathroom renovation needs?

We can guarantee that you’ll be happy with the work we do for you! We can start working on your bathroom today, just make sure to fill out our contact form before using our service.

• We are affordable bathroom renovation service providers in Melbourne.

• We have years of experience in this industry and we can guarantee you the best results!

• Our workers will always come over on time, prepared with everything they need to do the job at hand – we don’t want any delays and neither should you!

So what are you waiting for? Call us today!

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Client Testimonials

“HBK Constructions crew built our of the nothing of a raw unfinished section of the basement a home for our new blue front loading washer and dryer, creating my dream of a laundry room.”

K. Louise

“People still tell me that my Kitchen, laundry room & bathroom is the best they have seen, and your renovation of my house has been keeping me from moving! I have thought about downsizing but I don’t want to leave my kitchen or bathrooms for something less appealing and functional.”


“We are happy with our laundry room renovation. It turned out better than we expected. Our timeline was tight and HBK Constructions stayed on target. Their reputation of producing quality work is very well deserved.”

Michael & Anne

HBK Constructions - Home, Bathroom & Kitchen Renovations

50 Fitzgerald Road

Hallam VIC 3803

(03) 7038 3595

*HBK Constructions is a lead generation company where the leads are passed on to real renovation companies. Customers are advised to take necessary steps to check the validity of the documents provided by the renovation company which approaches them.